
In addition to the default set of Bootstrap Utility Classes, Jumpstart includes a range of utility classes to make creating new components easier.


Arrow on top
Arrow on bottom

Add an arrow to the top or bottom of an element to indicate a connection between two elements.


Adds a small arrow on top of an element


Adds a small arrow on the bottom of an element

Background Colors

These classes are in addition to the Bootstrap Color Utilities


Apply to element to adjust background color


Apply to element to adjust background color


Apply to element to adjust background color


Apply to element to adjust to a lightened background color


Apply to element to adjust to a lightened background color


Apply to element to adjust to a lightened background color


Apply to element to give background the same value as $body-color variable.


Apply to element to adjust to a lightened background color


I have a thick border

These classes are in addition to the Bootstrap Color Utilities


Adds a border of thickness equivalent to 4 x $border-width variable. Default: 4px

Hover Effects

Hover fade out
Hover box shadow

Slightly decreases opacity of an element upon hover


Applies a shadow to an element upon hover

Highlight Animation

This is a some text with highighted emphasis in it.

In conjunction with the Animate On Scroll plugin, this class will animate the <mark> tag when the element scrolls into view.


Apply to a <mark> element to animate the mark's width when scrolled into view


I occupy 30% of the viewport height.
.min-vh-(10 - 100)

Apply in increments of 10 to an element adjust to set its height to a fraction of the viewport's height. eg: .min-vh-30 will occupy 30% of the viewport's height.


I occupy 30% of the viewport height.

Set's the element's width: 100% at large screen sizes.


.opacity-(0 - 100)

Apply to element to set its opacity value to the value indicated by the numerator. eg: .opacity-20 would set the element's opacity to .2



Positions the element at top of parent. Equivalent to CSS top: 0; bottom: auto;


Positions the element at bottom of parent. Equivalent to CSS bottom: 0; top: auto;


Positions the element at left of parent. Equivalent to CSS left: 0; right: auto


Positions the element at right of parent. Equivalent to CSS right: 0; left: auto;


These classes are in addition to the Bootstrap Text Utilities


Changes font size to the size set in $font-size-small variable. Default: .875rem (14px).

Tooltip Circle

<div class="ml-2 tooltip-circle bg-dark text-white" data-original-title="Here's a tooltip to help explain this feature" data-toggle="tooltip" title="">?</div>

Apply class tooltip-circle to a <div> to position the tooltip and affect the text size.


I am flipped on the x-axis
I am flipped on the y-axis

Flips the element on its X axis


Flips the element on its Y axis